


How it works

Launch app

The First Yield-Optimized, Native TAO-Compatible LST for the Bittensor ecosystem.

The First Yield-Optimized, Native TAO-Compatible LST for the Bittensor ecosystem.

The First Yield-Optimized, Native TAO-Compatible LST for the Bittensor ecosystem.

yTAO is TaiNet’s innovative yield-optimized Liquid Staking Token (LST) for the Bittensor ecosystem.

yTAO is TaiNet’s innovative yield-optimized Liquid Staking Token (LST) for the Bittensor ecosystem.

yTAO is TaiNet’s innovative yield-optimized Liquid Staking Token (LST) for the Bittensor ecosystem.

245,233 USD




Unlocking liquidity for staked TAO


Unlocking liquidity for staked TAO


Unlocking liquidity for staked TAO

AI-Driven Yield Optimization

Maxizing staked TAO yields by by using AI-optimized delegation strategies

AI-Driven Yield Optimization

Maxizing staked TAO yields by by using AI-optimized delegation strategies

AI-Driven Yield Optimization

Maxizing staked TAO yields by by using AI-optimized delegation strategies

Amplifying Yields

TaiNet boosts TAO staking yields with real-yield backed strategies.

Amplifying Yields

TaiNet boosts TAO staking yields with real-yield backed strategies.

Amplifying Yields

TaiNet boosts TAO staking yields with real-yield backed strategies.

Using AI-Driven Strategies

To Optimize TAO Staking Yields

Maximizing TAO

Staking Yields

Algorthmic Rewards


Bittensor Subnet

In addition to making staked TAO liquid,

TaiNet deploys its AI-driven Bittensor

Subnet Aggregator (BTA) to optimize yields.

TaiNet’s algorithms intake data

from past emission reweightings,

predicting future activity enables to

maximize rewards for yTAO holders,

delivering greater yields

than passive staking.

TaiNet's AI-driven Bittensor
Subnet Aggregation deploys
TAO holdings strategically
in real-time.

New Rewards


0 $TAO

Matic Balance


100 $TAO

Total stake


100 $TAO

Enhancing Yield Optimization through Competitive Strategy

In addition to the AI-driven yield-optimization strategies described above, TaiNet’s Bittensor Subnet Aggregator will also leverage the high volumes of its aggregated TAO holdings to deploy game theory strategies that take advantage of the competitive dynamics amongst Bittensor subnets.

Omnichain Utility

Yield Amplification Strategies

TaiNet boosts yields beyond individual staking.This is achieved via two mechanisms:

Unlocking Enhanced Yields with TaiNet

Boosted Returns

Protocol Revenue Share: 50% of fees redistributed to yTAO holders boosts long-term yields.

TAI Token Rewards: Reserved TAI tokens incentivize staking, offering extra income to yTAO holders.

Maximizing Token Flexibility and Yield with Omnichain Utility

yTAO, a Layer Zero OFT (Omnichain Fungible Token), enables seamless cross-chain transfers without additional wrapped or bridged assets. This boosts token utility, allowing its use across 50+ blockchains and L2 networks in DeFi applications.

yTAO's liquidity allows for diverse DeFi investments, boosting staking yields. Initial options include liquidity pool participation, with broader integration into trading, lending, and more as the protocol expands.

Interoperability with yTAO's Omnichain Fungible Token

Unlocking DeFi Yield Potential with yTAO

Token Interconnection

Yield Enhancement

Taiji Subnet

Unlocking Value in the TaiNet Ecosystem with TAI Token

The emissions allocation is the maximum total amount of tokens that will be allocated via emissions over an extended period to bootstrap yTAO staking yields, reward sTAI stakers, incentivize liquidity and other activities for keeping the TaiNet ecosystem in balance.


This portion is used to seed initial TAI Liquidity Pools (LP) during the TAI fair launch Token Generation Event (TGE) on Uniswap.

Initial Liquidity

The investor reserve is used for the initial TaiNet funding rounds, with any unused allocations earmarked for any future funding requirements that might come online including financing for operating our own subnet at a later date.


The First Yield-Optimized, Native TAO-Compatible LST for the Bittensor ecosystem.

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© 2024 Advisors Portugal. All Rights Reserved.

TaiNet simplifies staking with native TAO deposits

TaiNet simplifies staking with native TAO deposits

TaiNet simplifies staking with native TAO deposits

TaiNet pioneers native TAO deposits, eliminating the need for wrapping TAO tokens before staking.

By offering native TAO deposits alongside wTAO deposits, TaiNet significantly broadens its potential user base, tapping into the majority of TAO holders who currently hold their assets in native TAO form.

With its innovative yield-optimization and yield-amplification features, TaiNet is poised to deliver higher yields compared to traditional LST products, further enhancing its appeal to investors in the Bittensor ecosystem.

TaiNet is the only TAO LST to be yield-optimized-by-AI and also accept native TAO deposits

Native TAO Deposits:

Expanded Market Reach:

Enhanced Yield Potential:

Market Differentiation:

The TaiNet DAO Balances Decentralization and Capitalism

Belief in Decentralization

AI and Risks of Centralization

Building a Robust Protocol

Formation of The TaiNet DAO

The project's core contributors strongly advocate for decentralization, recognizing its transformative potential. They understand that decentralized systems empower individuals and communities by distributing control and data access.

While acknowledging the vast opportunities presented by AI, the contributors are also aware of the associated risks, particularly regarding the concentration of control and data. They aim to mitigate these risks as they develop the protocol further.

The long-term goal is to develop a robust protocol that operates independently, contributing to the growth and stability of the Bittensor ecosystem. This protocol will generate sustainable revenue while upholding the principles of decentralization.

As the protocol matures, the TaiNet DAO becomes essential, acting as a decentralized organization to balance capitalism and decentralization. Empowering xTAI stakers, it guides the protocol's direction, prioritizing Bittensor and TaiNet users' interests.





Revenue Share Incentives for Governance

As referenced previously, holders of TAI tokens will have the opportunity to stake their TAI tokens into xTAI in order to participate in governing the direction of the protocol, receiving incentives, and a share of protocol revenues. xTAI holders receive emissions from the protocol, but also receive real yield in the form of:

This encourages longer term staking and offers heavier rewards and yield to those that stay engaged with the long-term vision of TaiNet, whilst punishing short-term opportunists looking to game the system. In addition long term yTAO users are also rewarded with a similar setup that boosts their yield vs. competition in the form of:

In the spirit of equitable decentralization, 100% of protocol generated revenue is redirected back to participants in the ecosystem and encourages and rewards long-term participation and growth. The team operates and maintains the 3/3 token tax in order to generate ongoing runway for the project, which puts an emphasis on incentivizing the core team to ensure ongoing high levels of interest, liquidity and trading volume on the TAI token, which also benefits all holders in the long term.







Incentivizing Participation and Growth in Decentralization

Mint fee revenue

Mint fee revenue

Redemption fee revenue

Yield fee revenue

Mint fee revenue

Redemption fee revenue

Yield fee revenue

Redemption fee revenue

Yield fee revenue

The team operates and maintains the 3/3 token

High TAI token interest


of yTAO mint fees are allocated to xTAI stakers




mint fees are allocated to existing yTAO stakers

redemption fees are allocated to remaining yTAO stakers

yield fees are allocated to yTAO stakers

of yTAO redemption fees are allocated to yTAO stakers

of yTAO yield fees are allocated to yTAO stakers

Encouraging, engagement

Unlocking Business Potential in Liquid Staking Protocols

As with any liquid staking protocol with a stake in a strong, emerging blockchain ecosystem, there is huge potential to develop a sustainable, revenue generating and profitable business model.

Users are charged a 1% minting fee when depositing their wTAO for yTAO. This fee is utilized to cover gas costs and ongoing upkeep and operational expenses.

yTAO Mint Fee

Should a user wish to unstake their yTAO and covert it back to wTAO they incur a 1% fee. This is typically favorable vs. paying trading fees and incurring any slippage on a DEX and enables the protocol to diver that revenue back into the growth of the ecosystem.

yTAO Redemption Fee

The protocol takes a 10% fee on yield generated. Much like a VC takes a performance fee for optimizing returns, so does TaiNet take a fee that is diverted back into optimizing our algorithms to run our BTA and stay ahead of the competition, ensuring our users achieve best in class yields.

yTAO Yield Fee



Launch app

The First Yield-Optimized, Native TAO-Compatible LST for the Bittensor ecosystem.

yTAO is TaiNet’s innovative yield-optimized Liquid Staking Token (LST) for the Bittensor ecosystem.


AI-Driven Yield Optimization

Amplifying Yields

Unlocking liquidity for staked TAO

 Maxizing staked TAO yields by by using AI-optimized delegation strategies

TaiNet boosts TAO staking yields with real-yield backed strategies.

TaiNet simplifies staking with native TAO deposits

  • TaiNet pioneers native TAO deposits, eliminating the need for wrapping TAO tokens before staking.

    Native TAO Deposits:

  • By offering native TAO deposits alongside wTAO deposits, TaiNet significantly broadens its potential user base, tapping into the majority of TAO holders who currently hold their assets in native TAO form.

    Expanded Market Reach:

  • TaiNet is the only TAO LST to be yield-optimized-by-AI and also accept native TAO deposits

    Market Differentiation:

  • With its innovative yield-optimization and yield-amplification features, TaiNet is poised to deliver higher yields compared to traditional LST products, further enhancing its appeal to investors in the Bittensor ecosystem.

    Enhanced Yield Potential:

Using AI-Driven Strategies To Optimize TAO Staking Yields

Maximizing TAO
Staking Yields

Algorthmic Rewards


Bittensor Subnet

In addition to making staked TAO liquid, TaiNet deploys its AI-driven Bittensor Subnet Aggregator (BTA) to optimize yields

TaiNet’s algorithms intake data from past emission reweightings, predicting future activity enables to maximize rewards for yTAO holders, delivering greater yields than passive staking

TaiNet's AI-driven Bittensor
Subnet Aggregation deploys
TAO holdings strategically
in real-time.

Enhancing Yield Optimization through Competitive Strategy

In addition to the AI-driven yield-optimization strategies described above, TaiNet’s Bittensor Subnet Aggregator will also leverage the high volumes of its aggregated TAO holdings to deploy game theory strategies that take advantage of the competitive dynamics amongst Bittensor subnets.

TAI Token Rewards: Reserved TAI tokens incentivize staking, offering extra income to yTAO holders.

Protocol Revenue Share: 50% of fees redistributed to yTAO holders boosts long-term yields.

Yield Amplification Strategies

Omnichain Utility

Boosted Returns

TaiNet boosts yields beyond individual staking.This is achieved via two mechanisms:

Unlocking Enhanced Yields

with TaiNet

Users are charged a 1% minting fee when depositing their wTAO for yTAO. This fee is utilized to cover gas costs and ongoing upkeep and operational expenses.

Should a user wish to unstake their yTAO and covert it back to wTAO they incur a 1% fee. This is typically favorable vs. paying trading fees and incurring any slippage on a DEX and enables the protocol to diver that revenue back into the growth of the ecosystem.

yTAO Mint Fee

yTAO Redemption Fee

Unlocking Business Potential in Liquid Staking Protocols

As with any liquid staking protocol with a stake in a strong, emerging blockchain ecosystem, there is huge potential to develop a sustainable, revenue generating and profitable

business model.

As referenced previously, holders of TAI tokens will have the opportunity to stake their TAI tokens into xTAI in order to participate in governing the direction of the protocol, receiving incentives, and a share of protocol revenues. xTAI holders receive emissions from the protocol, but also receive real yield in the form of:

Revenue Share Incentives for Governance


of yTAO mint fees are allocated to xTAI stakers


of yTAO redemption fees are allocated to yTAO stakers


of yTAO yield fees are allocated to yTAO stakers


yield fees are allocated to yTAO stakers


redemption fees are allocated to remaining yTAO stakers


mint fees are allocated to existing yTAO stakers

Encouraging, engagement

Incentivizing Participation and Growth in Decentralization


In the spirit of equitable decentralization, 100% of protocol generated revenue is redirected back to participants in the ecosystem and encourages and rewards long-term participation and growth. The team operates and maintains the 3/3 token tax in order to generate ongoing runway for the project, which puts an emphasis on incentivizing the core team to ensure ongoing high levels of interest, liquidity and trading volume on the TAI token, which also benefits all holders in the long term.





Mint fee revenue

Mint fee revenue

Redemption fee revenue

Redemption fee revenue

Yield fee revenue

Yield fee revenue

The team operates and maintains

the 3/3 token

Mint fee revenue

Redemption fee revenue

Yield fee revenue




The TaiNet DAO Balances Decentralization and Capitalism

Belief in Decentralization

AI and Risks of Centralization

Building a Robust Protocol

Formation of the TaiNet DAO

The project's core contributors strongly advocate for decentralization, recognizing its transformative potential. They understand that decentralized systems empower individuals and communities by distributing control and data access.

While acknowledging the vast opportunities presented by AI, the contributors are also aware of the associated risks, particularly regarding the concentration of control and data. They aim to mitigate these risks as they develop the protocol further.

The long-term goal is to develop a robust protocol that operates independently, contributing to the growth and stability of the Bittensor ecosystem. This protocol will generate sustainable revenue while upholding the principles of decentralization.

As the protocol matures, the TaiNet DAO becomes essential, acting as a decentralized organization to balance capitalism and decentralization. Empowering xTAI stakers, it guides the protocol's direction, prioritizing Bittensor and TaiNet

users' interests.

Launch app

The First Yield-Optimized, Native TAO-Compatible LST for the Bittensor ecosystem.

Go to






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Unlocking Value in the TaiNet Ecosystem with TAI Token

The emissions allocation is the maximum total amount of tokens that will be allocated via emissions over an extended period to bootstrap yTAO staking yields, reward sTAI stakers, incentivize liquidity and other activities for keeping the TaiNet ecosystem in balance.

This portion is used to seed initial TAI Liquidity Pools (LP) during the TAI fair launch Token Generation Event (TGE) on Uniswap.

The investor reserve is used for the initial TaiNet funding rounds, with any unused allocations earmarked for any future funding requirements that might come online including financing for operating our own subnet at a later date.


Initial Liquidity
